Circulate the Love
Dear Central Academy students, families and staff, The American Red Cross will be joining us on Friday, February 11th to host a blood drive. We are asking that you sign up to help save lives. Currently, the US is …
Dear Central Academy students, families and staff, The American Red Cross will be joining us on Friday, February 11th to host a blood drive. We are asking that you sign up to help save lives. Currently, the US is …
Dear 8th Grade Academy students and families! Para español, por favor llame Suleyma Reyes: 515-242-8543; 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM Middle school students in high school classes get high school credit. But parents must make a choice if …
Dear Central Academy students and families, Classes in Des Moines Public Schools have been cancelled tomorrow, Friday, January 14, 2022 due to the impending snow storm. Offices will be closed. January 14 was the last day of first …
Dear Central Academy High School students and families, If you’re looking for some silver cord hours or would just like to help out, we’ve got 3 volunteer opportunities at Central Academy in Second Semester: 1. Assist with the Red …
Dear Central Academy Students and families, Because of severe cold weather expected tomorrow morning, Des Moines Public Schools will be starting 2 hours later on Thursday, January 6, 2022. Here is how this affects Central Classes: At DMPS …
Dear Central Academy Students and families, Because of severe weather this afternoon, Des Moines Public Schools will be dismissing 2 hour early today, Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Here is how this affects Central Classes: DMPS High Schools: Block …
Dear students and families of Ms. Myers’ Central Academy English classes, We had to force-post Ms. Myers semester 1 grades because of a medical emergency. Most, if not all, of her data were already entered. However, when I …
Dear Central Academy students and families, We have an excellent support staff at Central Academy. We are lucky to have Amy Cummings join our team as our second counselor this year. She brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to …
Dear Central Academy students and families, There was a small smoke event in one of the basements of the parking garage at Central Academy today at 12:56 in the middle of period 5. Friction caused enough smoke to …
Dear Central Academy High School Students and Families, This message is for students taking an Advanced Placement class this year. Please log into your College Board account this weekend and check your exam order status. There is a two-step process …