Catching the Central Shuttle Bus

Dear Central Academy students and families!

One common concern that students have on the first day of school is where and when to catch their shuttle bus to Central.  This year we’ve had to make an adjustment to our bus pick up zones for East students because of the road construction in our area. Unfortunately, the plan we sent out a couple of weeks ago will not work without blocking traffic. So, we have been working with the city to tighten up a few things and make some adjustments.


Catching the shuttle to Central is pretty easy.  The big yellow bus or buses waiting outside your school during the school day exclusively go to Central.  And if you’re unsure, you can always ask our friendly driver if they are headed to Central when you board.  They want your trip to be as safe and stress-free as possible.

When you exit your bus at Central, Academy will be to the right and will have pillars on the front.  Campus will be to the left.

Cental Academy

Central Academy will be to the right of Campus.

Central Campus

Central Campus will be to the left of Academy.


When you are ready to go back to your school, your bus will pick you up in one of four Bus Loading Zones.   The 5th zone is where the buses wait for space to be available in the loading zone.  As buses fill up and pull away, someone at the curb with a bus radio tells the drivers of the opening at the curb.

Check out this map to see where to catch your bus. Bus Map FY2025

Zone 1, in front of Central Campus, has been shortened by the road construction.  Only Hoover and Meredith will be picked up in Zone 1.

Zone 2, in the driveway in front of Central Academy, is where Lincoln, Brody, McCombs, and Weeks will be picked up.  7th Graders going to Cowles, Merrill, and Callanan will also be picked up in Zone 2 at 1:20.

Zone 3, at the curb in front of Central Academy, is where East, North, Goodrell, Harding, Hiatt, and Hoyt are picked up.

Zone 4, at the curb in front of Bergman Mansion is where Roosevelt is picked up.  Eighth graders going to Callanan, Cowles, and Merrill will also be picked up in Zone 4 at 11:00.


Here are the bus loading and arrival times for Central Shuttles:  FY2025 High School Central Bus and Bell Times

Along the left are the class times at Central. They are not the same at the class times at your high school so that there is travel time between classes.

The color key for this chart says, “Arriving at your destination for…” with the corresponding color matching the period you will be attending at your destination.  For example, if you are coming to Central for period 2 (orange), you will load the bus at your school at 9:00 and arrive at Central at approximately 9:20.  Period 2 at Central starts at 9:25.  If you are going back to your high school for period 4 (green), you will leave your Central period 2 at 10:10, load the bus by 10:15 and arrive back at your school for period 4 by 10:35.

If you have period 3 and/or 5 at Central, you will have lunch at Central.  Those in period 3 at Central will have lunch at Central before boarding buses to go back for period 5 at their high school.  Those coming to Central for period 5 will catch their bus after period 3 at their high school, have lunch at Central and then go to period 5 at Central. Campus Lunch Map

After period 7, buses for all schools will load in zone 2, in the driveway in front of Academy because of the parent pick up line for the Downtown School.


Middle school bus and bell times are much simpler.  FY2025 Middle School Bus and Bell Time Poster

Students attending the Eighth Grade Academy program will catch their bus at 8:10 at their middle school and arrive at Central at approximately 8:30.  After period 3, they will load buses at 11:00 and arrive back at their middle school by 11:20 and have lunch there.

Students attending the Seventh Grade Prep Academy will catch their bus after lunch at 11:20 and, after their two Academy classes, will load the 1:20 bus back to their school.


Our doors and the Central Campus Cafeteria open at 8:00.  Campus Lunch Map.   We will also be offering a grab and go breakfast for students at the Academy door so that students who arrive at 8:30 can still get breakfast on the way to class.  It is perfectly acceptable to eat your breakfast in class.  The teachers understand the necessity and importance of breakfast.

If you decide you’d like to drop your student off at Central directly instead of riding the shuttle bus for period 1, the quickest drop-off location is in Zone 5, which is not used in the morning before school. Bus Map FY2025 Zone 5 will keep you out of the traffic for buses and pedestrians and will be the easiest to get in and out of.

The buses usually unload passengers before school in zones 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Please be aware that buses must have the right of way and may take a few minutes to unload all passengers.   The buses generally do not arrive all at the same time because they start at different distances from Central.  There is usually a train of buses from 8:20 – 8:35 in front of Academy and Campus.

Another option is to use the visitor’s parking lot across the street at 19th and Grand.  There is a controlled intersection for pedestrians at 19th and Grand.


Besides adding a stoplight to 18th and Grand, the city has reverted 19th street between Ingersoll and Grand to one-way traffic heading south.  During the summer it was a two-way street.  Currently, 19th street is too narrow for buses to make the turn onto Grand if 19th is a two-way street.  For everyone’s safety, 19th Street is once again one-way.


At the end of day, the best place to wait for your child is in the visitor’s parking lot across the street at 19th and Grand.  It will keep you out of the bus traffic which is essential to avoid traffic accidents.

During the school day, especially during class times, we have several 10-minute loading parking spaces in the Academy driveway so that you can park, come into the main office, and sign your child out (or wait for them to sign out).  Those spaces are hard to get to during the passing time with buses.  Handicapped parking spaces are also in the Academy driveway.


Iowa Public Broadcasting Station did a feature story on the Central Academy potters and the collectible pots they made for the 2024 Iowa State Fair!  Check it out on YouTube!

We are so excited for classes to begin tomorrow!

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