September Parent Newsletter
Click on the headline to read the September Parent Newsletter. Find links to our two new webinars: Eating Lunch at Central and Successful Academic Behaviors
Click on the headline to read the September Parent Newsletter. Find links to our two new webinars: Eating Lunch at Central and Successful Academic Behaviors
Learn how to navigate the Central Cafeteria! Click on the headline to watch a video about meals at Academy and Campus.
On August 16, 2018, we had a parent meeting to discuss the successful academic behaviors we’d like to cultivate in students this year. Shout out to Heartland AEA is helping us record and assemble this, our very first webinar! Click the headline to see the video.
Click the headline to get links to our YouTube webinars answering the most commonly asked questions about finding and reading your Academy schedule.
Orientation Open House was Monday, August 20. If you were not able to make it, you can click the headline to get the FAQ handouts for students.
Click the headline to see upcoming events like Parent Social August 16 and Student Orientation August 20. You’ll also find a link to maps, calendars, bell times and more! Happy New (School) Year!
Every year, Academy English students need a set of novels or texts that they can annotate (so it cannot be a library book). We use a bulk supplier that allows us to purchase these books at a reduced price. You may choose to order one or more of these books from us or you can supply your own. Click the headline for more information about ordering books for English Classes.
Click the headline to get links to the Parent Survey on Parent Conferences and other Parent Nights, find the list of summer assignments, and see the new bell times and A/B calendar.
English Summer Reading Assignments: Beaverdale Books will have some of the English novel titles available at their store. Most can be found on Amazon or at the local public libraries, also. 7th-grade-Prep-Academy-Summer-reading 8th-Summer-Read-2018- 9th-Summer-Read-2018 10th-Summer-Read-2018-1 11th-AP-Language-and-Composition-Summer-Read-2018 AP-Lit-Summer-Read-2018 Social …
We have very exciting results from the USA Regional of the International Mathematical Modeling Contest: FINALIST status was achieved by the Central Academy team of Louise Bequeath ’19, Jimmy Le ’18, Luke Whitman ’18, and Ben Wonderlin ’19. Click the headline to read the press release and the student paper!