Central Academy Pottery Students Learn to Market, Sell Their Art
AP Exam Fees
The last day students can change their AP Exam order through their College Board account is November 1. But the AP Administrator at your school can still make changes without incurring fees until November 15. After November 15 …
Family Survey
Hello Central Academy families, Des Moines Public Schools is asking families to provide us with feedback on your perception of the experiences, environment, barriers, and safety for your children at their schools. The results of this survey provide …
Project Live Youth Leadership Opportunity
Project Live is sponsoring a 1-day paid workshop for teens aged 14 and older on November 2. See below for more information or open this PDF: Project Live opportuntiy Parent Project Live Permission form must be completed by …
Upcoming Lockdown Drill
Dear Central Academy period 8 students and families, A week from Friday, on November 1, at the start of period 8, we will be conducting a lockdown drill at our school complex that includes Central Academy, Central Campus, …
Tough Times Don’t Last, But Tough People Do
Dear Central Academy students and families, My Uncle Danny passed away this month. He was 101 years old. Born in 1923, he came of age during the great depression. As a 19 year old serving in the U.S. …
Grading Practices at Central Academy
Dear Central Academy Students and Families, As a district, Des Moines Public Schools is working hard to improve the use of Infinite Campus as a reporting tool on student progress. As you may have noticed, progress reports are …
Fall Parent Conferences October 9
Dear Central Academy students and families, Parent-initiated conferences, where parents arrange to meet with teachers, will be on Wednesday, October 9. We will have opportunities for parents to schedule phone conferences or attend during our drop-in conferences on …
Service Opportunity
Dear Students and Families of Central Academy, One of our students is assisting with organizing a service opportunity. Below is her message regarding the Fort Des Moines Week of Remembrance. I’m sharing this message with you in support …