Iowa Science Standards and Upcoming Events

Dear Central Academy Students and Families,

The Iowa Department of Education recently released a draft of the revised K-12 Iowa Academic Science Standards (IASS) for public review, with feedback due by February 3, 2025.

While the proposed standards share similarities with those adopted in 2015, key concepts like species evolution and climate change have been removed. Additionally, structural and grammatical issues, as well as errors in the scientific content, could negatively affect both teachers and students. Unfortunately, no document explains or justifies these changes.

Notable changes include:

  • Removal of “evolution” from K-12 life science standards.
  • Elimination of “human impacts” and “climate change” from specific standards.
  • Alteration of “Science and Engineering Practices” to “practices of scientists,” with inconsistent phrasing throughout the document.

Personally, I have been a Science Educator for most of my career and was recognized with the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.  Having standards that support scientific literacy and accuracy that have been thoughtfully produced and clearly communicated is important to our ongoing scientific understanding of how the world works.  I urge you to advocate for retaining the 2015 standards’ language on evolution and climate change. You can share your feedback by submitting comments online: Survey Link

Some people have found the survey misleading because it only gives pre-written options for why you agree with the changes.  There are options for you to write your own response if you disagree.

Your voice is crucial in shaping Iowa’s science education. Thank you for your support.


February 5: Senior Pictures for the Senior Recognition Ceremony due.  Every Central Academy senior is recognized in this annual ceremony.  The program includes photos of all seniors.  Please contact Suleyma Reyes at with your picture, your preferred name, and/or if you do not want to be included in the program.

February 10: No classes for students– Professional Development for Teachers

February 11: No classes for students– Professional Development for Teachers.

  • Also on February 11: The State of the Schools Address by Superintendent Dr. Ian Roberts and School Board Chair, Jackie Norris in the morning at North High School and on YouTube2025 StateOfTheSchools Postcard
  • Also on February 11: Many of the home schools will be having parent conferences.  To lessen the time pressure for attending conferences, Central Academy will be postponing conferences until later in the semester.

February 15: Central Winter Formal for high school students. Students in grades 9 – 12 are invited to attend our Winter Formal Dance.  Tickets are $10 apiece in advance— no tickets at the door. Guest forms are found in the Academy or Campus office.

February 24 – 28: Teacher-initiated phone and email conferences.  Teachers will be reaching out to parents this week to discuss student progress.

February 28: Balance Due for Advanced Placement Exam orders.  If you have made a deposit on AP Exams, please pay the balance with your school bookkeeper.  If you are an out of district student or middle school student taking an AP exam, please make payments with Academy’s Executive Secretary, Sulyema Reyes.  For more information: AP Exam Information – Central Academy

March 11: Drop-in Parent Teacher Conferences at Central Academy from 4- 6:45 PM.  We’ve expanded our hours to accommodate parents who prefer in-person conferences.

March 13: Parent-initiated Phone Conferences from 1 – 3:30 PM. Parent will be sent information for scheduling for a time for a phone conference about 2-weeks earlier.

  • Also March 13: No classes for students for teacher professional development.

March 14: All AP Exam orders must be finalized with the College Board.  No new orders can be placed after this date.

  • Also on March 14: No classes for students for teacher professional development

March 17 – 21: Spring Break

March 31: No school– EID Al Fitr

April 6: Central Academy’s Senior Recognition Ceremony 2 – 4 PM at Scottish Rite Consistory.

April 14 – 18: Teacher initiated Phone and Email conferences. Teachers will be reaching out to parents this week to discuss student progress.

April 25: No School

April 28: No School for teacher professional development.

May 20: Last day of classes at Academy for Senior. Senior Grades due by 4 PM.

May 24 -25: DMPS Graduation Ceremonies

May 26: No School– Memorial Day

June 5: Approximate last day of school– depends on make-up days for weather.  Semester Grades due at 2:00 for students in grades 7 – 11.





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