Novels for Academy English Classes

Dear Central Academy students and families,

Every year, students enrolled in English classes at Academy need a set of novels or texts that they can annotate.  We will automatically add the costs of these books to your Infinite Campus fees based on which English class you are enrolled in.

There are two common ways to pay for your books:

  • After you complete online registration, you can pay online for school fees including your English books for Academy.
  • If your family qualifies for a textbook fee waiver or reduction, please do NOT pay for the books during online registration.  We will automatically adjust the cost of these books (free or half price).  We will know within 24 hours after you complete Online Registration if you qualify for the textbook fee waiver or reduction.   If you do not qualify for a textbook fee waiver or reduction you can pay for these books as you would any other school fee after school starts.

If you want to provide your own copies of the books, you may do so.  Just let Academy’s Office Manager, Herkisha Burkett, know that you would like the fees removed.

Here is the book list by Course Name:

Acc Lang & Lit I (8th grade) 

    • House on Mango Street, $8
    • Metamorphosis (David Wyllie translation), $8
    • Night, $8

Acc Lang & Lit II

    • The Alchemist, $11
    • Purple Hibiscus, $12
    • The Displaced, $10

Acc Lang & Lit III

    • The Crucible, $10
    • The Great Gatsby, $11
    • Bless me, Ultima, $6

Col Acc Lang & Comp (ENG105)

    • 1984, $6
    • Born a Crime, $11
    • Four Great Tragedies, $5

Coll Acc Lit & Comp (LIT 101)

    • Grendel, $9
    • The Brothers Karamazov (Pevear & Volokhonsky translation), $12
    • Woman Warrior, $11
    • Disgraced, $11
    • Fairview, $10

Acc Lang & Lit Capstone (LIT 209)

    • Heart of Darkness, $4
    • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, $7

Donate to support English students

Central Academy pays for all or part of the novels for students who receive free or reduced textbook fees. The cost of the books listed above is what we pay our vendor– we do not mark up the cost of the books for students.  Most classes require an average of about $30 in books per student.

If you would like to sponsor a student, please use the link below to donate.  All donations to this fundraiser will go to offset the cost of books.  Thank you for supporting our advanced learners!

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