Potted Plants and Important Things

IMG 4905​Dear Central Academy students and families,

Every few days I go back the building and sort the mail and check on the plants teachers left in their rooms thinking we’d be back in a couple of weeks. Some have suggested that I’ve got more important things to do than ensure a few potted plants make it through this pandemic. And it’s true, I have been so, so busy working on Advanced Placement testing changes, DMACC dual credit policy, and providing support for our teachers preparing to finish the year remotely.

But here is the important point: it is not about the plants. It is about reducing the sense of loss that teachers feel without their students and the school routine. When you’re trying to hike the mountain, it is the sand in your shoe that can wear you out.  Knowing that their plants are being tended takes pebbles out of their shoes. Plus, the few minutes I spend checking on the plants helps restore me, too.

I urge you to look around for opportunities to make a small positive difference. It could just be washing the sink full of dishes, leaving some gloves for the postal worker, putting out a bear for the bear hunt, or reading a story to a younger sibling. Just be a little bit kinder than is necessary. What are the ‘potted plants’ you can tend that will ease someone else’s worry?  Doing those small things will help restore your sense of self, too. Think of it as a creativity challenge.

Let me ease a worry that some students may have been feeling.

  • We will provide students an opportunity to improve their scores on previously taught learning targets before the semester is done.
  • We will provide voluntary additional enrichment and practice for students, especially those preparing for the AP tests and in dual credit courses (those earning both college and high school credits).

DMPS is crafting our continuous learning plan which is due to the Iowa Department of Education by Friday, April 10. Teachers have been actively preparing for this transition.

Thank you for all your messages of support you have sent to me and your teachers as we work to shift our entire system of operation.

Will you please complete this SURVEY by Wednesday (tomorrow) if you haven’t done it yet.  We are trying to ensure that every DMPS student has the computer and access they need to participate in remote learning. If you complete this survey voluntarily, we don’t have to spend time trying to find out if you or your family needs this support.

DMPS has curated a list of FAMILY RESOURCES such as child care, employment, financial assistance, food assistance, health care resources and mental health care, legal aid, housing, and transportation.

If you need more information about AP testing, check out our website: https://ca.dmschools.org/adv-placement/ap-exam-information/

The district’s online learning support grows every Wednesday.  Check it out HERE. There is much more to come throughout the month of April.  If you know you have some missing or late work you need to complete, this is the time to work on it. Seniors, you can still read Brothers K! Go for it!  Spend some time reading and writing.

Stay close, friends. If we’re going to save the world, we need you.

Be well!

Dr. Gogerty

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