High School Credit Options for 8th Grade students
Every 8th grade student taking courses at Academy will earn high school credit for all of the classes they take at Academy if they earn a passing grade of a D or higher. This is a slight change from previous years because of a change in State Code last spring. The rule also affects middle school students taking Algebra I in their comprehensive middle schools, too. We made a webinar explaining the change and the choice each student will have to make each semester for each class. https://youtu.be/iS7amd8QSy4
Students and families may choose whether credit will be listed as Pass/No Pass on the high school transcript or if it will be a traditional letter grade. Pass/No Pass credit does not get calculated into the student’s high school grade point average (GPA) used in college admission and scholarship applications; whereas, the traditional letter grade does contribute to the student’s GPA.
You will be able to make the decision AFTER semester grades are posted. So, you can make an informed decision. You do not have to make the same choice for all classes– you can choose Pass/No Pass for one class and the traditional letter grade for others.
You will have to fill out a form to let us know your choice for each class. You can do a paper form HS Credit MS parent form or complete it online https://tinyurl.com/CA-HScredit Please complete the form by February 4 for first semester classes.