Parent Academy Meeting Tuesday, December 13
The next Parent Academy meeting is Tuesday, December 13 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Parents choose which presentations to attend. Each presentation will be given at 6:30 and repeated at 7:00. The presentations are:
Early College: What is it? Would my child benefit from the opportunity?, Jan Warren, of the Belin-Blank Center in Iowa City was on hand to discuss the Bucksbaum Academy program available to students after their sophomore year of high school. Read more at: Bucksbaum Early Entrance. Click this link for the presentation: Academy NCECEP
IB Diploma Programme Option, Isaac Pedelty, IB DP Coordinator, discussed the Diploma Programme of concurrent, advanced learning for juniors and seniors. Students apply to the program in their sophomore year. Learn how IB DP is different from AP and how to apply for admission. IB Informational Packet
White House Champion of Change Reunion, Jessica Gogerty, Director of Central Academy, discussed her trip to Washington DC as a Champion of Change on December 5, 2016. Originally selected in 2012 as a Champion of School Turn Around, Dr. Gogerty met with ordinary Americans doing the extraordinary in a wide variety of endeavors from communities across the country. See some of the highlights from the experience. Champions of Change Reunion
If Tuesday will not fit into your schedule, the power point presentations will be uploaded to our website under the “parents” tab.
Students will be signing up for the 2017-2018 classes soon. Students at Academy meet with the counselor and scheduling assistant one-on-one after whole class presentations. We start with juniors and work our way towards the younger students. Talk to your child about the courses they are considering for next year. Check out Counselor, Ms. Hilton’s College Planning 101 presentation Prezi on College Planning
Eighth Grade students at Academy are taking high school level courses as middle school students. But they still have the OPTION to receive high school credit or not. After first semester grades are posted (January 20, 2017), students have two weeks to decide if they want their courses to count on their high school transcripts and high school GPAs. High school credit is automatically given for students earning A’s and B’s in their Academy classes. However, students may elect not to get credit if they don’t want the A or B on their high school record; OR students may elect to get credit with a C. You must notify Ms. Jami Powers, Academy Counseling Assistant ( Students may elect to get high school credit for all, some, of none of their courses. These policies are meant to promote and protect students records as they acclimate to accelerated course work.
December 23 – January 2: No classes, office closed for Winter Break.
January 6: Last day for students to turn in major projects, revisions, make up work, or other work done outside of class. (The last week of the semester will be used for in-class assessments, presentations, and other methods for students to provide evidence of their learning this semester.)
January 12 & 13: No afternoon classes for students in grades 9 – 12. Classes for 7th and 8th grade will be held as normal.
January 13: End of First semester.
January 16: No classes for Martin Luther King Holiday
January 17: First day of second semester. Semester starts on a B-day.
January 20: First semester grades finalized and submitted for transcription.
February 3: Last day for 8th grade students to decide if they want high
school credit for first semester classes.
See you Tuesday night!
PDF of this message: Parent Academy Announcement 2016.12