Parent Academy Tuesday, 11/10 at 6 PM

Parent Academy Square

Our next Parent Academy meeting is Tuesday,November 10 from 6 – 7 PM.  Parents choose which presentations to attend.  Each presentation will be repeated at 6:00 and 6:30.

The presentations are:

Assessment Alphabet Soup, Stephanie Davis, GT consultant, will discuss the variety of ‘external’ assessments (not classroom assessments) that students may take.  SMI, SRI, SAT, PSAT, ACT, and more will be discussed along with information about National Merit Scholar Recognition, the cost of tests and testing windows (time frame when tests are given).  Go to room 1013 at Academy.

How to Sign up for 2016-17 Classes, Jessica Gogerty, Director of Central Academy, with the support of our Scheduling Specialist, Sandy Cloe, will discuss the scheduling process, course information sources and how parents can get involved in the Main Lobby at Academy.

IB Diploma Programme Answer Booth, Isaac Pedelty, IB DP Coordinator, will have a ‘booth’ in Academy room 1007 to answer questions about the Diploma Programme.

If Tuesday will not fit into your schedule, the power point presentations will be uploaded to this website under the “parents” tab.

See you Tuesday night!

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