Welcome Aoyagi Sensai from Japan!


Yamanashi Board of Education sends one English teacher each year for three months to my Japanese program to learn about and practice American teaching methods.  Mr. Masaki Aoyagi from Kofu Showa High School joined us today.  He will be with us until 11/21.  He will work with Ms. Murphy, our Japanese instructor, in the morning and go to East High School ELL program in the afternoon in the later part of the program.  He will also attend two workshops; TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Story telling) and IWLA (Iowa World Language Association) fall conference.  Our students’ families are hosting him.

This is the second year of the program and Yamanashi Board of Education is very pleased with the last year’s teacher, Mr. Kida’s progress.  Mr. Kida’s students and Academy students have started Line video chat exchange last year as one of the outcomes of his visit.

Visit the Academy Flickr site to see more pictures.

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