7th Grade Prep Academy Intervention
The 7th grade Prep Academy Program prepares academic outliers who are representative of our community’s population for accelerated learning. The program is a targeted and intensive intervention to meet student learning needs by providing courses that prepares students for acceleration. It develops connection, competence, and autonomy in students to help them prepare for advanced and/or accelerated coursework, especially if they decide to choose the college pathway for the remainder of their schooling.
Eligible, identified students throughout the district who show discrepant academic needs beyond grade level peers are invited to attend the two-period preparatory program at Central Academy. Prep Academy students receive targeted and intensive intervention in math and reading/English Language Arts while also developing the connection, confidence, and competence needed for future ready skills. The 7th grade Prep Academy program prepares advanced students to excel by forming a community of learners that support each other while undertaking challenging coursework.
Participation in Prep Academy does not guarantee admission to Central Academy as an 8th grader. Prep Academy students must meet the same criteria for entrance as other incoming 8th grade students.
The identification process begins in 6th grade when every eligible student in the district is screened using the following quantitative and qualitative data to determine outliers when compared to grade level peers. Once schools recommend students whose academic needs would best be met at Prep Academy, invitation letters are sent to families.
- Standardized assessment scores
- In-class performance as measured through SRG
- Input from ELA and Math teachers on a behavioral checklist
For Prep Academy related questions, you may reach out to any of the following staff members.
- Prep Academy Advisor: Jenny Schiltz
- Central Academy Advanced Learning Consultant and PK-12 Data Lead: Kelly Randleman
- Central Academy Counseling Department Assistant: Angela Forret
- Email: angela.forret@dmschools.org
¿Preguntas? Se puede hablar a suleyma.reyes@dmschools.org o 515-242-7888
2023-2024: PREP NEWS
Prep Academy Newsletter April 2024
Prep Academy Newsletter March 2024
Prep Academy Newsletter February 2024
Prep Academy Newsletter January 2024
Prep Academy Newsletter December 2023
Prep Academy Newsletter October 2023
2022-2023: PREP NEWS
January 6, 2023: 6 Prep Academy News 1 6 23
December 7, 2022: 5 Prep Academy News 12 7 22
November 4, 2022: 4 Prep Academy News 11 4 22
October 14, 2022: 3 Prep Academy News 10 14 22
September 6, 2022: 2 Prep Academy News 9 6 22
August 19, 2022: WELCOME TO PREP ACADEMY 22 23
If you wonder where Prep Academy students go after they graduate, here is a sample!
Take a Virtual Tour of the Prep Academy on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/PrepTour2022