Model UN Verbal Commendations to Rice and Rehbein

IMG_000723 students from across DMPS participated in Model United Nations at the University of Chicago from February 5-8. Model UN students apply for this exciting, but rigorous program in the fall and work towards the competition in February. Students give up lunchtime for meetings and complete all work outside of the normal school day which demonstrates these students’ dedication! Students are required to submit detailed “position papers” on assigned current issues as well as historical ones. As the title suggests, the position papers take the position of an assigned country. This year our country was Iraq-a very complicated and often tumultuous country. The students enjoyed the challenge of seeing current issues from a different perspective from which they live every day. They found the complexities to be quite large. Our school won two special awards: Jane Rice won “Verbal Commendation” on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation committee and Cole Rehbein won “Verbal Commendation” on the Directorate for Inter-Service Intelligence committee! Congratulations to them! A special thank you to Jake Appel and Jenna Pokorny for serving as our co-captains this year and keeping everyone organized and prepared!  See pictures of the event at

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