No classes Wednesday for DMPS Juniors (ONLY!)

Junior YearOn Wednesday, October 22, DMPS Juniors have the day off.  DMPS 9th and 10th graders will be taking the PLAN and EXPLORE tests in their high schools and will not have classes at Central Academy.  DMPS Seniors, however,  should attend Central Academy as usual.  If DMPS seniors are participating in an activity in their high school, that school will send us their names and they will be excused from Academy classes as if they are on a field trip.   All out of district students in all grades will have classes at Academy as usual.  DMPS 7th and 8th grade students will have classes at Academy as usual. IF junior students decide that they want to come to their Academy classes, we will not turn them away– they are welcome.  However, they are NOT required to attend classes and will not be counted absent if they are not here.

  • DMPS  9th, 10th & 11th graders: No Academy Classes
  • DMPS 12th graders: Academy classes as usual (unless high school notifies Academy that they are on a field trip)
  • DMPS 7th and 8th graders: Academy classes as usual
  • Out of District students, all grades: Academy classes as usual.
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